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For the NanoWrimos among us, I suspect you’ve dented your couch and eschewed Thanksgiving as I have done (but not this year).

Image result for turkey roasted

50,000 words, one month, fingertips on fire, total focus.

jim carrey typing

WELL THEN. I am not quite there this year since I decided I really needed to work on those 5 novels already in the works since I began the Nano challenge.


So, after a good chapter + that I worked on, I plowed through Thanksgiving (mostly… foodwise) and didn’t work on it and still was too full to work yesterday.

Image result for too full cat

That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.

How are you doing on your WIP? Oh, and I changed the WIP I am working on. Made more sense to me to edit that one.

voices are back excellent

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I'm Claire O'Sullivan - a country girl from Southern Oregon. I've spent the majority of my life the small town of Grants Pass which, like Whiskey River, spans end to end ... two miles. Or at least it did, 33 years ago. The days are gone when horses clomp down the road with their riders and the farmers on their tractors wave as they drive by, hauling bales of hay.


Now the majority of us are surrounded by BMWs and million dollar homes backing up into government land (or in some casess, sliding down the hills). But I'm thankful to have neighbors who raise animals and chickens, ducks, and welllll waaaaaaay down the street, pigs. 

While the simple life is retreating from Grants Pass, and the cost of homes has skyrocketed, Whiskey River remains largely untouched by wild construction and the disappearance of farms and ranches. You can always come home to Whiskey River. 

After I graduated from college a time back or two, I lived in Northern Minnesota. In another series I've started, Olvegaardt (fictional town) is reminiscent of a small town I used to stop by on my way to canoe The Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) in Minnesota. (Title in progress) The Alex Makela Mystery series takes place there, in another fictional town in an even smaller and midwestern version of Whiskey River. I have way too many series in the works...  

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