My apathy and angst over reading and writing lasted far too long.

Time’s up.
Got the 1st 50 pages proofed (because I can only take fixing stuff a small dose at a time). Then about a week or so later fixed them thar errors.
Today, wrote … wait for it … synopsis, cover letter, and polished proposal.
The awesome thing right here is that an agent listened to my pitch on P2P (Pitch-top-Published) and said, send it!

Sweet! But that was, of course, months ago when I was still having that eReader read through my manuscript. Not quite done with that process I might add.
Sent my grammar-a-holic friend the next 50 pages and the 1-page synopsis and 1-page cover letter.

As I quake in fear.
Once fixed, I will send that into the ether and finish that read-through if’n I can’t finish it in the next few days.
Then, onto fixing one of my 3 other novels, listening to the fire.
