Allo! Good morning! Guten Morgen! Shalom! ! صباح الخير
Okay that’s it, and I hope everyone is having a great day, no matter your time zone.

As I rewrite “Glass Slipper,” I am pushing this sequel to “Romance Under Wraps,” a police procedural/forensics/romance.
I’ve added a baby. Imagine a near-toddler in McCloud’s world. How will he react? How will Jonah react?

More importantly, how will his mom react? So far for me, it’s been a riot to write. If you’ve read “Romance Under Wraps,” you will have a good idea of how Jack McCloud thinks. He’s not been a very respectful dude.
Poor mom. Or maybe not.

Mom. Mercedes. Maybe.
Last night I fleshed out a villain for “Glass Slipper.” I’d written it before but somehow it fled off the page.

oh, so different!
But another one comes on the scene also.
Remember: Smart villains make for a great obstacle for the main character to overcome. Villains should be smarter than your main character(s).
So I ended up going to bed thinking, muuuuuaaaaahhhh. Probably the reason I tossed and turned.
In that wee bit of info, tell me what you think, and tell me what you’re working on. Because it’s important! And what are you reading today?