This is Scott Walker …

You thought he was cute a long time ago. Now the cabby who came to your rescue after you realized your friend was murdered is dead, and Scott has the gun. Blood is everywhere.
He pointed it to your head and demanded your phone. You refused. He took it and destroyed it.

You fought back.
Angry, he taped your mouth, your hands, and threw you unceremoniously into the trunk of the dead cabby’s car. When he stopped the car and opened the trunk, you managed to free your hands and you grabbed your pepper spray. You turned and sprayed him in the face.
When you jumped from the trunk, you realized to your horror that he wasn’t fazed by the pepper spray and you’re in an enclosed garage.
He pulled you toward him by the hair and grasped your arms hard enough to hurt. He tossed you over his shoulder and pushed the door to his hideaway open. Scott Walker threw you onto a bed.

The tears in your eyes did not match the fear and anger in your heart. You won’t go without a fight. You knew you are about to die.
He said, “There is nowhere for you to go. You’re here, and you will never find a way out. “But I promise you there may yet be mercy.”
You’ve prayed every moment and you don’t believe in God, but only divine intervention can help you now.
Through the duct tape over your mouth, you begged. He sat on the bed next to you and raised a hand. You expect the worst.
No one can help me now. Your tears simply fell.
Instead he brushed your hair from your face and called you by name.
And he said… “Cheyenne, I need you to trust me and I need your help. I don’t believe in hurting anyone. Forgive me for everything I did to get you here. But I need you, your expertise. I am praying that you will say yes. God knows I need you.”
Then he gently wiped your tears away.
“Whatever you need me to do to make you feel safe, I promise that within my power, I will give you. Even if you want to leave. But you’re safe, now.”
He removed the tape from your mouth.
You whisper, “I’ll stay.”
Then he wept into his hands and said, “Thank you, Jesus. Thank you.”
